Wednesday 4 June 2008

Finally in the paint shop!

'Net Profit finally went into the paint shop yesterday. That's the good news. The bad news is that our painter, Tina, is surprised at the poor quality of finish of Tim Tyler's shells these days. The primer is poorly applied (and missing in some places not immediately obvious) and there are many marks on the boat from poor weld grinding and linishing that will need filling and rubbing down. Add to that liberal amounts of spray foam (yes, on the OUTSIDE of the boat!) and it's all extra work to be done.

So a drop in quality of Tim Tyler shells and more messy work from Ben Harp means more money to spend for us. Sadly, I feel it also means that people will come to realise that buying "one of the best" isn't always the quality experience that one might hope for. Oh, and when they washed the boat down after taking her out of the water, all the "blacking" just came off with the pressure washer!

On a more positive note, our friends Dave & Irene helped us clean up some of the extra foam inside the boat and to create a rough box model of the proposed rear steps and engine cover. I've drawn up a structure to implement and we'll get the wood etc. to build it before we see the boat next, which might well be when she's painted.

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